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AI Vocab

AI Vocabulary Explained: Understand AI terms, from neural networks to algorithms, we break down what it all means.

AI – Artificial Intelligence

“AI” stands for “Artificial Intelligence.” It’s like having a smart computer or robot that can think and learn on its own, helping with tasks and solving problems without constant instructions.


An “algorithm” in AI is like a set of instructions for computers to solve problems or do tasks. It tells them what to do step by step, like a recipe for baking cookies.


A “ChatBot” is a computer program that talks like a person, helping with questions or tasks. It uses AI to understand and respond to messages from users.

Conversational AI

Conversational AI: Smart technology that enables computers to chat with people in a natural way, like a friend.

Deep Learning

“Deep Learning” in AI is when computers learn by finding patterns in data, like recognizing faces in photos. It’s like how you learn by seeing and doing things many times.

Machine Learning

“Machine Learning” in AI is when computers learn from examples and get better at tasks over time without being told exactly what to do. It’s like learning from practice and getting better at a game each time you play.

Neural Network

A “Neural Network” in AI is like a computer brain inspired by how our brains work. It helps computers learn and solve problems, like recognizing images or understanding language.


A “prompt” in AI is like a question or instruction given to a computer or robot to help it start a task or make a decision. It tells the AI what to do next, like giving directions to a friend.


“Variance” in AI means how much predictions differ from each other. It’s like seeing how different guesses are from the average, helping understand model reliability.

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